Monday, April 11, 2011


Memorizing Scripture is something I've never really practiced until a few months ago.  After some personal conviction plus a few timely sermons, I began a memorization regimen in early February, following the Fighter Verses program designed by Desiring God ministries.

I'm not sure if it's the memorization or the time I'm devoting to the Word, but since I've started, my heart has been growing fonder and fonder of God.  My thoughts have been on His Word, reflecting on the weekly memory verse or whatever other passage I'm reading.

This blog is a way for me to share my thoughts and reflections on the current memory verse.  It's also an open forum for any reader to discuss and opine with me.  It is my hope that some may even begin memorizing Scripture themselves, or at least think more on the Creator of the Universe and His unfathomable love for us.

I have no formal education in theology or the Bible, only a passion to learn of God and to grow closer to Him.  Thus, all opinions offered here should be scrutinized and considered, and I admit up front that I am prone to err and make wrong decisions.  Please feel free to correct me (using Scripture preferably, not opinion) if you see me wandering.

All scripture memorized is in my preferred reading translation, the English Standard Version.  The ESV is a literal, word for word translation that I feel is easy to understand and more true to the original language than some other versions.  You can read it free here.

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